Letting go of things past, getting ready for new experiences and the pleasant anticipation of what is to come – this is the way to encourage peace and harmony from within. The Bavarians are known for their easygoing way of life. The bankerl tours harnesses this laidback philosophy and leads you stress free to a beautiful bench with a breathtaking view.
Leaving the old behind, slowly getting in the way of the new and feeling the anticipation of what is to come – feel the peace growing in you. The Bavarians are known for their cosiness. The Bankerl tour leads stress-free to a beautiful bench with a beautiful view.
Bankerl Tour
Altes hinter sich lassen, sich langsam auf Neues einstimmen und die Vorfreude auf Kommendes spüren – fühl die Ruhe in dir wachsen. Die Bayern sind bekannt für ihre Gemütlichkeit. Die Bankerl Tour führt stressfrei zu einer schönen Sitzbank mit schöner Aussicht.